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Pest Control Supplies

  • Penashield Wood Preservative - Gallon

    Penashield Wood Preservative - Gallon

    Penashield is a penetrating fungicide, termiticide, and wood preservative. Ready-to-use formula fully penetrates the wood. Apply Penashield with a garden sprayer to all structural wood and any other building material surfaces, which can include concrete,...

    $48.99 - $180.99
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  • Snake Out Snake Repellent - 4 lb

    Snake Out Snake Repellent - 4 lb

    Snake Out can be used anywhere you don’t want snakes to be or any place snakes are a problem. You can apply it around homes, yards, landscaping, gardens, foundations, barns & outbuildings, garages, woodpiles, sheds, campsites—any place...

    $33.99 - $193.99
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